Digital Mammography

Digital Mammography ?

Digital mammography , by hand made peak as a result in the breast to the audience to come across as a result is being realised. One of the situations that women frequently encounter and fear is breast cancer.

In the world And in our country Generally 40 from age next in women breast cyst or  breast to cancer is encountered. by hand A mammogram is performed to get more information about the size and diameter of the noticed mass.

Digital pull aspect carried out This  viewing process, from others A little more different aspect in front of us interest. It is one of the primary treatment methods used by women to detect signs of breast cancer.

Digital Mammography Advantages

your breast more detailed One way viewing And the patient health status about information to acquire for   Digital mammography is performed. Breast disorders do not occur suddenly. They are not problems that reveal themselves very quickly.

This that’s why slow slow emerge interest And This  for the reason because neglect by, postponed It is possible. This situation against The disease that occurs in the patient turns into a large-scale disease over time, and treatments that are started may sometimes be delayed.

This your problems from the middle getting up And early treatment for   suffered digital mammography with patients big advantage They own it. During manual examination, invisible masses are found.

This of the masses sizes And diameters about detailed information owner to be for   is used. Six on the moon One During the examination, information about the size and condition of the mass is obtained.

Thus to the patient suitable the one which… treatment to be implemented starts. in women seen breast of cancer before pass It is a very useful application for. The difference from regular mammography is generally the amount of radiation exposed. From here, the exposure to radiation is lower.

in hand made images as a result computer in the environment keeping And archiving big advantage provides. Breast Its structure is generally densely textured and helps to provide a more detailed examination in case of fibrocystic formation.

Tomosynthesis Mammography ?

Tomosynthesis mammography is a three-dimensional imaging process that has a low dose and is performed with the help of X-rays. It is called. women breast discomfort Sometimes ignored And in time big your problems to the formation reason It is possible.

This like with situations opposite across not to stay for   definitely -most small One of the mass difference to be in case general Surgery specialists should be consulted and help should be obtained.

The masses in time be my guest And bad natured cysts to the formation reason It is possible. This situation Generally neglect to be resulting from interest. tomosynthesis mammography, APPLICATION method whereas in the breast -most small of the masses to view It helps .

by eye unseen even by hand peak to be as a result to size decision not given in case realized It is known as the treatment method. Thanks to its 3D feature, it helps to examine breast problems in detail in a shorter time.

Nowadays in the conditions technology arrival with together A lot your discomfort detection in being helper the one which… This  devices It is used in both diagnosis and treatment. These methods, which are frequently used by physicians and used for the health of patients, have achieved great success since the day they entered our lives.

How is Digital Mammography with Tomosynthesis? Makes?

Digital in the environment get made of images in archiving And physicians by more detailed One way helps to examine. For this reason, when there is any doubt, specialist physicians request tomosynthesis mammography from their patients.

Views technique thanks to breast in of the mass density And status about reviews helps to do it. Shooting processes generally vary between 15-20 minutes.

During the application performed with the 3D feature, there should be no metal objects on the patient. Otherwise image of the quality resolution falls And images about definite aspect information cannot be given. This For this reason, it is difficult to diagnose and treat.

To be realized the one which… tomosynthesis mammography, for   definitely piece from the loop next One week inside The operation must be performed.

menopause entered the one which… women for   your shot any One per day in making One drawback There is no. Pull day Definitely perfume deodorant, cosmetic of your products not to use must. This situation pull of the quality to fall reason It can happen.

patient’s her breast two plastic of the layer between by placing And by fixing is carried out. Here found Thanks to its ray tube, it allows it to rotate around the breast tissue and capture images from all dimensions. This is how shooting is done.

Digital Mammography Prices 2024


It is known like each of the hospital yourself according to determined is One price status has. This pricing The price is determined by taking into account the success of the hospital, the quality and brand of the devices it uses, and the success of the specialist physicians.

This price each year or  each period change It can show. This for   definite One to knowledge come across status There is no. To get more detailed information, you can contact the relevant places to get information about digital mammography and its price.

Other mammography from shooting different the one which… digital mammography; between difference Generally spread it is is the amount of radiation. This imaging technique, performed in a digital environment, has many advantages.

This for the reason because other mammography to the shooting according to A little more costly it could be. This that’s why Before carrying out your transactions, you must contact the relevant authorities and obtain detailed information.

Opposite in cases unexpected with situations opposite across can stay And high price information with encounter as a result You don’t want to encounter different surprises. Before performing the procedures, detailed research should be done about the hospitals and then they should be contacted.