
Defecography , anus channel with rectum with with the merger together emerge coming out excretion of your problem by experiencing Defecography is performed together.

of the problem the reason to understand And TRUE way treatment method to apply for   carried out viewing is one of the types. It causes urinary incontinence, constipation and many other disorders to affect the person badly.

This well order  the patient social life your life negative way because it affects because One for a while The problem of psychological discomfort begins to occur. We may face unexpected problems due to the situations we encounter in daily life.

This reason What what a pity that what we eat meals, what we drink beverages, wrong nutrition like from situations welding appears as. As a result of these disorders, some diseases begin to occur in the person.

How to Take Defecography ?

If patients suffer from urinary tract and bladder disorders, they should consult a specialist physician and get detailed information. must. Thus may occur negative your results before passing by, more TRUE treatment method This is a very important condition to implement. The patient must have an appointment for the defecography to be performed.

More later the patient process before definitely rectum enema with evacuated to be must. Prepared the one which… 300 cc A mixture of gel and contrast material is obtained.

It is then taken into a magnetic resonance or X Ray machine for examination. It will be given to the patient the one which… your instructions in its place to bring must. This that’s why beware, contraction, unloading or  straining like Images of the situations are taken at different stages.

Defecography To whom Is it applied?

of persons excretion on your way occurred incoming problems And ailments It is possible. This situation person in your hand without occurs and causes social life to be badly affected.

with problems opposite across to stay in case definitely expert to the doctor by consulting, detailed information receiving must. In case of damage to the excretory system, patients usually complain of abdominal pain.

More later sore Pee problems to live starts. Like this situations seriously not taken And is ignored. But It is useful to know that; Unfortunately, such problems bring about more serious diseases and cause serious problems to arise. When faced with such situations, it is necessary to consult a specialist physician and have defecography and imaging performed.

Benefits of Defecography

Since the shooting procedures do not cause any harm to the person, the patient can perform this procedure with peace of mind. Physically your activities to be limited reason non- viewing technique between enters. It is appropriate for the patient to perform an enema at home before the procedure. There is no restriction for this.

The patient must wait approximately half an hour for the defecography to be performed. such as sigmoidoscopy tests, peak like in cases diagnosis placing possible non- in cases This  from the application help is taken. It helps in the evaluation and treatment of abnormalities in the pelvic floor.

Defecography Treatment Methods

patient’s complainant is Pee ways And defecation ailments defecography, shooting with emerge out It is possible. As a result of the examinations and evaluations, the disorder is observed in detail.

This as a result to the patient suitable the one which… treatment by determining, transactions started It is possible. carried out treatments It can generally vary from patient to patient.

For this, it is necessary to make sure that the treatment is carried out by a specialist physician. If the patient has discomfort in the urinary tract whereas And constipation problem if it is pulling; this for   suitable medicines And treatment to their methods by applying, necessary The impressions are observed.

Sore Pee And your wife pain like in cases, serious your problems occurred herald It is possible. Like this in cases Definitely It is necessary to see a specialist physician.

Defecography Before One Preparation Must Is it?

To the patient to do the one which… defecography, shooting for   One preparation stage There is no. Here patient for   the prepared medicine receiving outside to do required One process There is no. Patient process before Only rectum enema with must provide excretion.

More later patient for   prepared 200-300 cc gel with together confused contrast of matter two hour before It must be drunk. Thus, it helps to detect problems in the small intestines more accurately.

Defecography of the transaction Harm There is is it?

Excretion in the system seen discomfort own per to human damage giver One situation. This that’s why There is absolutely no risk of harm to humans during defecography.

Because Here magnetic resonance from your devices help is taken. This case the patient damage to see or  There is absolutely no possibility of discomfort in the future.

It is carried out without harming the human body. Moreover, the shots were taken in a healthy way, without emitting radiation. It is possible. This thus suitable the one which… treatment method about necessary the one which… studies started It is possible.

Defecography Side effects

It is a condition in which the excretory system disorders experienced by patients cause many serious problems. Because of this reason patient like this with situations opposite across when you stay or  symptoms emerge coming out in case definitely expert should consult a physician .

Defecography is performed upon the doctor’s request. This procedure does not cause any harm to the patient. A risk-free viewing technique. of viewing be able to provide for   to the patient given contrast of the article, in person allergy may cause its formation. For this, it is appropriate to test beforehand.

Defecography Prices 2025

Hospital in the environment carried out And all patients for   suitable the one which… This  treatment method about price information Unfortunately, giving is not possible. Before the procedure is performed, you can definitely contact the relevant places to get information about defecography and its prices.